Monday, February 5, 2007

This is Little Miss Bossy Boots! Her name is Tekee, not sure how to spell it but doesn't matter you can just call her Bossy Boots and she is just fine. She spent the weekend with us and my dog Larry was stalked the whole time she was here. She comes in Fri. morning and immediatly goes to Larry's toy box to take out and find his favorite toy. Once found, she horded it and when he actually tried to take it back, she sassed him so loud, he came running to me with his tail between his legs.

When she figured out that his spot was on the love seat she took that too. And when I put his food down it was all over but the shouting. She thought that was hers too! Then I discovered if I put her food down and she wasn't hungry she would sit in front of her bowl and look at me like "please take this away, I can't watch Larry if I have to watch my bowl" With this new discovery she spent a lot of time laying in front of her bowl. Hee Hee Hee!

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